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Company: Atlas Dev
Status: Micro-Entrepreneur
Owner: Joël Chauveau
Offices: Immeuble Oxygène - 13 rue Claude Chappe, 35510 Cesson-Sévigné
Siret: 820 012 102 00035 R.C.S. Rennes
VAT No.: FR15 820 012 102
APE Code: 6201Z
Company: SEALAR - Société d'Exploitation et d'Action Locale pour les Aéroports Régionaux
Status: Simplified joint stock company with capital of €1,000.000€
Publishing Director: Fanny Charles, Managing Director
Editorial Director: Fanny Charles, Marketing, Communication and CSR Director
Head office : 1 place du 19ème RI, 29200 Brest
Siret: 878 180 439 000 19 R.C.S. Brest
VAT N°: FR86 878 180 439
APE Code: 6420Z
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Company: IONOS
Status: Limited Liability Company with a capital of €100,000
Registered office: 7 place de la Gare - 57200 Sarreguemines
Siret: 431 303 775 00016 R.C.S. Sarreguemines
VAT No.: FR 13 431 303 775
APE Code: 6311Z
Version updated on 04/05/2024.
Poitiers-Biard Airport
5 Rue du Sous-Lieutenant Raymond Collard,
86580 Biard
Aerial leisure
All rights reserved © Aéroport de Poitiers-Biard by SEALAR 2024