
Public domain

Airport public domain

The Société d'Exploitation et d'Action Locale de l'Aéroport de Poitiers-Biard (SEALAPB) manages and operates Poitiers-Biard airport.

SEALAPB is responsible for the development and enhancement of the public airport property under concession, and pays particular attention to new development projects.

SEALAPB applies the common rules prior to the allocation of public domain occupation titles in accordance with the amendment to the Code Général de la Propriété des Personnes Publiques introduced by Ordinance N°2017-562 of April 19, 2017 for titles issued from July 1, 2017.

SEALAPB informs you of the availability of land and the expiry of Temporary Occupancy Permits (AOT) at Poitiers - Biard airport, which it manages.